

The functional matrix shows a comparison of the functions available in the different versions of GUM Workbench.

* GUM Workbench Standard Version 1.4
GUM Workbench Standard Version 1.4 is the basic tool for the evaluation of uncertainty in measurement with one result quantity and one budget table. The calculation can be done using uncertainty propagation (following GUM) or using Monte Carlo simulation (folowing GUM-S1).
* GUM Workbench Professional Version 2.4
GUM Workbench Professional Version 2.4 is the professional tool for the evaluation of uncertainty in measurement with multiple result quantities and multiple budget tables. The calculation can be done using uncertainty propagation (following GUM) or using Monte Carlo simulation (following GUM-S1). In addition to Version 1.4 plots of the calculated results are supported.
* GUM Workbench Educational Version
GUM Workbench Educational Version is a functional limited version which can be freely copied and used for educational purposes.
* Network licenses
All versions of GUM Workbench are available as network licenses which are installed on a central file server to be used by multiple users.
* GUMCAD Version 1.2
GUMCAD Version 1.2 is a compact graphical editor for the construction of graphical measurement process diagrams and cause-and-effect chain diagrams. An integrated analysis tool can automatically generate the model equation (measurement function) from the graphical diagram.

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